X-ray diffraction (XRD) is the only laboratory technique that reveals structural information, such as chemical composition, crystal structure, crystallite size, strain, preferred orientation and layer thickness. Materials researchers therefore use X-ray diffraction to analyze a wide range of materials, from powders and thin films to nanomaterials and solid objects.
Innovations in X-ray diffraction closely follow the research on new materials, such as in semiconductor technologies or pharmaceutical investigations. Industrial research is directed towards ever-increasing speed and efficiency of production processes. Fully automated X-ray diffraction analysis in mining and building materials production sites results in more cost-effective solutions for production control.
XRF is an analytical technique that can be used to determine the chemical composition of a wide variety of sample types including solids, liquids, slurries and loose powders. XRF is also used to determine the thickness and composition of layers and coatings.
It can be readily automated for use in high-throughput industrial environments, plus XRF provides both qualitative and quantitative types of information on a sample. Easy combination of this ‘what?’ and ‘how much?’ information also makes rapid screening (semi-quantitative) analysis possible.